Irish Work Permit Visa: Important things to know for a better future

· irish work permit visa

Are you looking to settle in Ireland with a work permit? This has been a dream of many individuals all across the globe to set up a base in this beautiful and vibrant country. Therefore, it is very important to get an Irish work permit visa.

irish work permit visa

What are the coveted work permits in Ireland?

The work permit visa in Ireland can be broadly categorized into a Critical Skills Employment Permit and a General Employment Permit. Let us quickly run down through them in a whisker.

Critical Skills Employment Permit:-

Critical Skills Employment Permits popularly known as CSEP are specifically aimed to attract highly skilled professionals to Ireland. The primary goal of this employment permit is to encourage individuals to have permanent residence in Ireland once they finish employment for two years in the country.

CSEP chooses professionals who are in limited supply and contribute immensely to the Irish economy guaranteeing smooth functioning. Healthcare and engineering professionals and those who are into scientific research and information technology are roles that are included in CSEP. A couple of years of validity is mandatory to get a Critical Skills Employment Permit.

Eligibility criteria to get Critical Skills Employment Permit:-


The work permit must be for two years minimum. However, the role doesn't need to be part of the Critical Skills Occupation List.


The minimum annual remuneration must be at least €32,000 to be part of roles listed in the Critical Skills Occupation List. A relevant degree is required for the employee and it must be on level 7 of the NARIC scale.


The role of the individual must be on the Critical Skills Occupation List and Ineligible List of Operations for Employment Permits. However, if the roles are not listed over there a remuneration of €64,000 must be the minimum annual remuneration. There is no need for a relevant degree but must have the experience and skills for the job.

Necessary degrees

For midwives and nurseries, it is important to have a third-level diploma or degree. This degree or diploma must be recognized by the Nursery or Midwifery Board of Ireland. Moreover, the salary must be less than €64,000. All these are necessary and sufficient conditions that are required to apply for a Critical Skills Employment Permit.

General Employment Permit

Those who are looking for a flexible pathway for getting employment in Ireland can opt for a General Employment Permit. Individuals who fail to meet the requisite criteria for a Critical Skills Employment Permit must check out this option.

Eligibility criteria to get General Employment Permit:-

Labor Market Needs Test

Most of the time the Labor Market Needs Test is mandatory for a General Employment Permit. This test guarantees that no suitable EU and Irish candidates are available to apply.

The job must be listed on the Critical Skills Occupation List.

The annual salary must be more than €64,000.

A letter of support must be provided by Enterprise Ireland and IDA Ireland for the role.

Positions that are listed on the Ineligible Occupation List are not granted permission to apply for a General Employment Permit.

Remuneration criteria

The salary requirement for a standard General Employment Permit is €30,000.

The salary requirement for graduates coming out of Irish third-level institutions is €27,000. It is for those who have been granted a role in Critical Skills Occupation Lists.

Graduates coming out of overseas third-level institutions must have a salary of €27,000. They must have an ICT professional role in Critical Skills Occupation Lists.

Positions that demand non-EEA language must have a salary of €27,000. These roles must be supported by Enterprise Ireland or IDA Ireland.

All the salary figures must include insurance payments along with the base salary. The standard rule of a 39-hour work week must also be followed to fulfil this criterion.

Long-term residency

A minimum of 5 years of employment must be completed in Ireland as part of the General Employment Permit. This is the eligibility criteria to get Stamp 4 permission which provides long-term residency and allows them to stay in Ireland.

Reunification for family

A minimum of one year of employment is required for the principal employment holder for family reunification. However, this does not provide permission to the family members to work in the country which is possible with a Critical Skills Employment Permit. A Stamp3 permission is provided that allows the family members to stay in the country. An employment permit must be secured by the family members for those who want to work in the country.

Duration and time for renewals

General Employment Permits are provided for a period between six months to two years. However, those who want renewals can extend it for another six months. The renewal period can be extended up to three years.

Reach out to us now and get a chance to fetch an Irish work permit visa today. We at Career Ireland also have the best mentors who train and offer personal guidance for Interview Preparation. Our experts boost the confidence of individuals and help them to step into their desired career path. Feel free to book an appointment with us whenever you see fit.