Dependent Visa – A Comprehensive Guide To Seek Career Options in Ireland

· Dependent Visa,visa

The dependent visa allows the dependent children and family members to shift to Ireland and stay there. Understanding the visa application process, eligibility requirements and what is allowed under the Dependent Visa helps during the application process. The long stay D Visa grants applicants over 90 days to remain in Ireland, for either work, study or to join and settle with the existing family members in the country.

Dependent Visa

Some individuals might need to stay longer than the permitted time that is mainly provided in Stamp form in their passport by an Irish immigration officer. To get through this, the applicant will need to pass the border control and then seek an Irish Residence Permit. Also, those who hope to travel to Ireland for no longer than 3 months, are suited to a Short-Term C category Visa, depending on the nature of the visit. The requirements for every Visa route are given under the Long Stay D Visa category. Thus, it is considered to be ideal to seek guidance from the best professionals.

Eligibility Requirements for the Dependent Visa–

A Dependent moving to Ireland, one must meet the following criteria –

  • One must be aged between 16 & 18
  • If one is aged under 23, one must be taking full-time education
  • The sponsor is an Irish National, or the sponsor is the spouse of an Irish National
  • The sponsor holds Stamp 1, Stamp 4 or Stamp 5 permission
  • One must live with the sponsor full-time
  • Or the sponsor is part of the family unit and doesn’t spend time living apart.

If the above conditions apply, one will be classed as a dependent by the Irish immigration authorities.

There are certain conditions that one must meet to be eligible for the Dependent Visa -

  • The applicant must possess a D-Join Family Visa before joining a family member in Ireland.
  • Applicants must be dependent family members of their sponsors, who should be permanent residents or citizens of Ireland.
  • The family members must be able to support financially without government aid.
  • One might have entered Ireland legally.
  • One cannot have received a notification to deport.
  • One must have a clean criminal record.

If one is sponsoring a dependent, one must provide proof of funds. The sponsors must meet one of the following criteria if they are studying while supporting the dependent -

  • One can be a researcher under a hosting agreement.
  • One can be a PhD student studying for an accredited doctorate in Ireland.
  • One is under a scholarship program in Ireland.
  • One can have a Level 8 or higher Honours Degree and can provide evidence for future advancement.

Who needs a Long Stay Visa?

Foreign nationals who are not citizens of the UK or other countries in the European Economic Area (EEA), need to apply for an Irish Visa to enter Ireland.

If one is a citizen of an EEA country, they don't have to request permission to stay in Ireland after one passes through the border control. One can even stay up to 90 days, if they wish to stay longer, they need to provide proof to financially support themselves and the dependents too.

Also, some of the non-EEA nationals don't need a Long Stay ‘D’ visa. The citizens of those countries enjoy visa-free travel to Ireland, which also includes the Long Stay Visas. They need to request permission to stay in Ireland from an immigration officer at Border Control and have to provide the documents to prove their purpose.

How To Apply for an Irish Dependent Visa?

Before beginning the application for the Dependent Visa in Ireland, one must ensure that the individual comes with all the required documents to provide their eligibility. While preparing these documents, having the necessary in hand completes the missing from the application. By applying for the visa, one can assume financial and social responsibility for the dependents while they are living in Ireland.

One should also ensure that the dependent has full medical and travel insurance and they must be in Ireland under a Dependent Join Family Visa. It is essential to consider that the visa application might be more challenging if the sponsor is not an Irish citizen. Thus, it is important to reach out to the professionals to get the right assistance.

What are the different types of Long Stay Visas?

Various routes are encompassed under the Long Stay Visa umbrella, and you will have to apply separately for the visa that suits your circumstances and needs.

These are:

  • The Study Visa
  • The Family Member Visa – As Spouse/Civil Partner, Child or De-facto Partner
  • The Employment Visa – As a General, Scientific Researcher or Van der Elst route
  • The Minister of Religion Visa
  • The Long-Stay Volunteer Visa

Each type of ‘D’ visa has its unique series of rules and requirements that you must pass to successfully gain entry clearance into Ireland and to reside in the State legally.

It's important to note that eligibility for the different types of long-stay visas is evaluated individually, and typically requires providing documented evidence of your sponsor or endorsement, as well as meeting certain income or savings requirements. This is necessary to satisfy the immigration criteria set by the Department of Justice and Equality, and without pre-approval, entry into Ireland will not be permitted.

The professionals can guide you in selecting the appropriate 'D' visa category that best suits your needs. They will also assist you throughout the entire process of your journey to Ireland. Obtaining legal advice can help you identify the most suitable supporting documents and review the application portfolio. Immigration experts can help you fulfill your legal obligations during the application or appeal process.

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